Amazon Brand - Средство для замачивания соли Эпсома Solimo, ароматизированное эвкалиптом, 3 фунта эвкалипта, 3 фунта (упаковка из 1)




Сделайте время купания более игристым с нашим подарочным набором для купания. Этот обязательный набор, идеально подходящий для младенцев и детей всех возрастов, включает в себя все необходимое, включая шампунь + гель для душа, кондиционер, пену для ванн, лосьон для лица + тела, и даже включает очаровательную рукавичку для дополнительной мыльной и игривой ванны. Включает в себя многоразовую подарочную коробку из экологически чистой древесины павловнии, которая идеально подходит для хранения всех предметов первой необходимости ребенка. Используйте шампунь + гель для душа, смачивая волосы и кожу теплой водой. Взбейте мыло в пену и аккуратно помассируйте все тело и кожу головы, затем смойте. Затем вмассируйте небольшое количество кондиционера в волосы и хорошо смойте. Лучше всего использовать нашу пену для ванны, налив от двух до четырех колпачков жидкого мыла прямо в ванну под теплую проточную воду. Смотрите, как пена и пузыри накапливаются! Сядьте поудобнее, расслабьтесь и погрузитесь во все это! Наша нежная формула Bubble Bath идеально подходит для сближения во время купания. Шампунь + гель для душа и пену для ванны также можно использовать, налив небольшое количество непосредственно на рукавицу для ванны. Мягкий и приятный друг-животное сделает купание веселым и поможет привести в порядок малышей. Принимайте ванну с нашим лосьоном для лица и тела. Просто вмассируйте лосьон в кожу. Используйте в любое время в течение дня для питания и увлажнения.

Бренд Амазонки. Гарантия качества: мы гордимся нашей продукцией. Если вы не удовлетворены, мы вернем вам деньги по любой причине в течение года с момента покупки. Если вам нравится раствор для замачивания с солью Эпсома от Dr Teal, мы приглашаем вас попробовать кристаллы соли Эпсома Solimo. Расслабляющее средство для замачивания в ванне или ванне для замачивания. Один многоразовый пакет весом 3 фунта с кристаллами английской соли с ароматом эвкалипта и мяты.
Age Range (Description) Adult
Brand Solimo
Country of Origin USA
GTIN 842379108761
Manufacturer Services, Inc.
Product Benefits Invigorating,Relaxation,Relaxing
Product Dimensions 3.75 x 5.75 x 9 inches; 3.01 Pounds
Recommended Uses For Product Relaxing
Scent Eucalyptus
UPC 842379108761


8 Review
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1 Star

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Scritto da: Jody Harris
Update review (3/30/2023): Got the lavender one this time. I think I will like this one better than the eucalyptus. I definitely like the fragrance better than the eucalyptus (which does not smell like eucalyptus to me). Original review: Good size bag. You can get several baths from it. I have never used epsom salts before so I really cant say if it does what its supposed to. I saw it was used mostly for muscle pain. I have been having shoulder pain where I cant move my arm much anymore and neck pain/stiffness. This did nothing, really, for my shoulder pain (not sure whats going on with it but theres a grinding noise when I move it certain ways), however it did seem to relieve my neck stiffness quite a bit. It also seems to have a very calming after-effect, meaning, I feel very relaxed now that I am not in the bath. I didnt even make my bath as hot as I usually make it, yet I found myself sweating more! This, I can assume, is that "detoxing" effect, so that is great! My only real negative thing about this particular bag (the eucalyptus one) is that it doesnt really smell like eucalyptus. I picked eucalyptus because I have sinus problems and I thought a eucalyptus scent would be beneficial as I sat in steam bath... but I cant really say WHAT this fragrance is. All I know is it did not agree with me and makes me feel a tad nauseated and with a slight headache. It wont stop me from trying other scents they have. I just dont see me getting THIS one again. For the scent, I had to remove 1 star.
Scritto da: JMF
Excellent product at great price! Pleasant fragrance, yet not overpowering.
Used in footbath & feet were soft, relaxed & easy to file when finished. Calluses & exterior of corns were very soft after footbath. I uses 1 tablespoon, perfect to fill the "medicine" compartment on my Viviya footbath. I will definitely buy this product again!
Scritto da: Stephanie
Great Deal
These are an excellent deal, I have to take alot of Epsom salt baths and I am happy to use these. I use two baths per one bag.
Scritto da: VKVK
Why buy any other kind? Smells great and is antifungal!
I don't know why they add pain relief as a suggestion. Epsom salt never seems to relieve pain no matter what brand or scent I buy. That being said, I love this product for its scent, moisturizing effects and antifungal properties. Because it is so antifungal, it makes cleaning our foot soaker and tub very easy, and also keeps me from worrying about fungus growth. The one thing I noticed is this Epsom Salt does not disintegrate as quickly and a store brand Epsom Salt... Which for me is a good thing because I like to grind them against my toes and exfoliate my feet/legs with them. I won't buy any other Epsom Salt again unless they increase the price too much.
Scritto da: Ali
So calming
I love the mild refreshing scent. Not overpowering. Just right. Dissolves fast. Epson salts is not a glamorous thing but this stuff makes it feel that way.
Scritto da: Sabrina Moses
Feet Happiness
I'm on my feet at work and they hurt by the time I get home. I'm ready to crawl around the house because of the pain. I soak my feet for 30 minutes a day in this and I'm happy. When I get up the next day, I can stand without pain. If my feet start hurting, I know my relief is at home in the closet. Great price for the amount of product.
Scritto da: Carrissa
Don’t pass this up!
This is the best smelling eucalyptus epsom salt on the market. I like it better than name brand! Don’t pass this up
Scritto da: Ashton N. Nelson
Great Scent
Some Scented Epsom salts are too strong of a scent for me. This was light and refreshing. Dissolved easily and was very relaxing. Great value.

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