Small Pet Select — apmatojuma ķemme trušiem, kaķiem un suņiem, metāla mājdzīvnieku ķemme izkliedēšanai un atšķetināšanai, kopšanas rīks maziem mājdzīvniekiem ar garu un īsu kažokādu

Brand:Small Pet Select



Pārvērtiet kopšanas murgus par ērtu savienošanas pieredzi jums un jūsu mājdzīvniekam. HairBuster ķemme ir izstrādāta, lai dziļi iedziļinātos jūsu mājdzīvnieka pavilnā, notīrot vaļējus, mirušus un sapinušies mājdzīvnieka apmatojumus, vienlaikus neraujot drauga virskārtu un nesaskrāpējot maigo ādu. Tas nodrošina viņiem ērtu kopšanas pieredzi un mazāk asaru no atbildīgiem mājdzīvnieku īpašniekiem ar bulciņām, kurām ir tendence izplūst, kad zaķa suka iznāk ārā. Tas nav viegls darbs, bet kādam tas ir jādara. Mēs esam šeit, lai palīdzētu. Vienkārši ķemmējiet ar augšanas modeli un skatieties, kā mati sakrājas aiz īpašās gumijas uzmavas. Izmantojiet smidzināšanas pudeli ar ūdeni, lai atrastu sarežģītas vietas, un vērojiet, kā jūsu kūstošs, izbirstošs, sapinies izplūdušais draugs kļūst par gludu, iespaidīgu, attēla cienīgu mājdzīvnieku. Šī ķemme ir piemērota gan garspalvainiem, gan īsspalvainiem dzīvniekiem un ir efektīva dažādiem mājdzīvniekiem. Izstrādāts trušiem un kaķiem, tas tikpat labi darbojas arī jūrascūciņām un suņiem. Zaķiem ķemmes noapaļotie zari ir būtiski, lai kopšanas laikā aizsargātu maigo ādu. Šis nepieciešamais ieguvums trušiem ir izdevīgs arī suņu un kaķu īpašniekiem ar jutīgiem dzīvniekiem vai tiem, kuriem ir īsāks kažoks. Bieziem kažokiem šī ķemme ir pietiekami elastīga, lai sasniegtu pavilnu, savukārt unikālā gumijas uzmava nofiksējas uz nevēlamiem gružiem un droši notīra tos, atstājot jūsu mājdzīvniekam tīru sajūtu, ko viņi novērtēs. Mūsu mājdzīvnieku matu ķemmi ir viegli uzturēt tīru. Pēc kopšanas vienkārši noņemiet redzamos mājdzīvnieku matus no zariem. Lai veiktu rūpīgu tīrīšanu, vienkārši noņemiet gumijas uzmavu un palaidiet ķemmi zem silta ūdens. Izmantojot HairBuster, jūs varat pavadīt mazāk laika suku tīrīšanai un vairāk laika sazināties ar savu pūkaino draugu.

Nav pieejama neviena vienība

EAN: 0611138712248

Kategorijas Mājdzīvnieku piederumi, Kāķi,

Izturīga konstrukcija: izgatavota no oglekļa tērauda un misiņa ar niķeļa un hroma pārklājumu. Koka rokturis ir paredzēts ērtai satvērienam, savukārt unikālā gumijas uzmava nodrošina, ka ķemme nofiksējas uz jebkura vaļīga, miruša un sapinušās mājdzīvnieka spalvas, kas slēpjas jūsu mājdzīvnieka pavilnā. Viegli tīrāms: slīdošās otas var būt tik grūti tīrīt! Mūsu mājdzīvnieku matu ķemmi ir viegli uzturēt izcilā formā. Pēc kopšanas vienkārši noņemiet redzamos mājdzīvnieku matus no zariem. Rūpīgai tīrīšanai vienkārši noņemiet gumijas uzmavu un palaidiet ķemmi zem silta ūdens. Mājdzīvnieku daudzveidība: šī ķemmes dizaina maigais raksturs un spēja efektīvi strādāt gan ar plānu, gan biezu pavilnu padara to par ideālu instrumentu dažādiem mājdzīvniekiem. Vairs nežonglējiet ar atvilktni, kas pilna ar īpašiem tīrīšanas instrumentiem katram jūsu pūkainajam mājsaimniecības loceklim. Šī viena ķemme ir droša trušiem, jūrascūciņām, kaķiem un suņiem. Maiga pret ādu: vai esat kādreiz pārlaidis savu pašreizējo otu vai ķemmi pār savu roku? Dažas mājdzīvnieku ķemmes var būt ļoti asas un dzeloņas, izraisot maigo zaķu ādas kairinājumu. Nav brīnums, ka daži no mūsu mājdzīvniekiem skrien, ieraugot otu! Nodrošiniet ērtu kopšanas pieredzi ar maigi noapaļotajiem HairBuster ķemmes zariem un ļaujiet savam mājdzīvniekam brīvprātīgi atgriezties, lai iegūtu vairāk. Kontrolē izkrišanu: viegli un ātri parūpējas par nobiršanu, kausēšanu un ikdienas kopšanas vajadzībām. HairBuster ir lielisks līdzeklis jebkuras biezas, matētas kažokādas noņemšanai, kā arī ātrai plānas, īsas kažokādas izķemmēšanai, kam nepieciešams pieskāriens. Zari maigi iemasē ādu, lai vienmērīgi sadalītu eļļas pa matiem, lai iegūtu spīdīgu kažoku, vienlaikus novēršot matu bumbas problēmas.
Brand Small Pet Select
Color Assorted
Hair Type All
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer No
Item model number 611138712248
Manufacturer Small Pet Select -- Dropship
Material Rubber
Product Dimensions 13 x 10 x 2 inches; 2.12 Ounces
Size One size


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Scritto da: DK
Works very well for my cat but poor quality
I have a Scottish straight and she has a thick undercoat and sheds like crazy. Her brush helps to remove fur but it’s always been a challenge to remove the baby fine undercoat fur that my cat sheds. This brush and the rubber band really helps to trap and capture the baby fine fur so it’s not flying around in and air. However, the brush quality itself is poor. For instance, the plastic handle edge is not smooth and has jagged areas that I can kinda rip off, and the metal part of the comb is prickly and not smooth when you rub you finger over it. Seems cheaply made. I’m keeping it though just because the unique design actually does work. Wish the quality was better though!
Scritto da: NMRose
Wood handle Works great, Cat likes brushing now
This works great. My cat allows me to brush him now, and he didn’t in the past with other brushes. Very happy. Also, for people with a rubber allergy, it’s really nice it has a wooden handle. In the picture it looked like it may be rubber and I’m allergic. Super happy I don’t have to wear gloves to use it.
Scritto da: Lili
Don’t waste your time and money like I did
I had bought and tried 5 different types of brushes just trying to find a good one for my holland lop. None worked until this one. It’s worth the money.
Scritto da: Allie
Perfect for bunnies
I have a mixed breed rescue bunny, maybe part angora, maybe part lion head? Maybe English spot? Either way his fur is all kinds of textures and this was perfect for all of it.
Scritto da: Amazon Customer
Best pet item purchase.
My cat loved this comb so much, I just had to purchase another one. I also just purchased this one for a friend.
Scritto da: Yolanda Lynch
Best groomer!
Tried other less expensive combs and brushes thinking they will work. But couldn't get the hair I needed groomed. Finally bit the bullet and bought this one and wish I had from the beginning! It was perfect!!!
Scritto da: Amazon Customer
Great product!
Gentile on bunny, and helps a lot with matting fur
Scritto da: Jose Alvarez
Magical, works incredibly well for rabbits (but be careful)
We've tried 3-4 other brushes for our Holland lop, and this far and away the best (just see the pictures - that's 5-10 minutes of brushing, which is all he can handle). He doesn't seem to mind the feel of the brush too much, especially if we brush him while he's eating. The only downside I can think of is that our rabbit decided to take a bite out of one of the rubber "nubs," but as long as you don't leave it in an accessible location, this won't be an issue. Can't recommend this brush enough! Edit: this brush worked so well that our rabbit actually developed a small bald spot, and our vet warned us against over-brushing. I still recommend the brush for heavy shedders, but be careful!
Scritto da: GeekyPixie
Gets so much fur out it's unbelievable!
Our beloved mini lop eared rabbit despises being groomed. He blows his coat a good few times a year and normal brushes don't cut it, the fur ends up all over his carpet and we recently had a blockage scare (fur is bad for rabbits to ingest, they can't sick up furballs) so I bought this in desperation. I was skeptical due to the price, but honestly it is absolutely brilliant. Pros: • Has little rubber covers placed across the comb which can grab stubborn undercoat or alternatively the comb can be swept over the top of their fur to grab loose wispy strands • Works amazingly well if you use a good technique: personally, I separate my bun's fur at the base, and then use the comb in a bit of a "sweeping" motion, making sure to push the rubber down and outwards so it grabs and pulls undercoat as I brush him. This has removed so much of his fur it's unbelievable, he is so thin when we're finished with him! • Comfortable to hold - the handle is long and ergonomic and fits really nicely in the hand • The comb itself is a good length for our bun and makes it easy to target specific areas • The comb teeth ends are smooth so won't hurt your bun's sensitive skin Cons: • Took a few tries to find the right technique We've been using this for five months now and it's shown no signs of breaking and the quality is still excellent. For our baby boy, we stick him on a small side table on a carpet tile (close to the ground), and my partner comforts him and holds him head end to keep him calm whilst I groom his body with this. Luckily this comb makes it so easy and quick to remove fur, grooming is a far more pleasant experience for all of us. I honestly cannot recommend it enough - if you have a rabbit that needs grooming, you need this.
Scritto da: Paulina
The media could not be loaded. We love this comb ???? It’s approved by me and Jimmy ???? It’s a bit pricey but please don’t think about it because when you will use it you will realise that it’s worth it. I’m very happy with this product especially I love my rabbit ❤️ and I want the best for him, so if the quality is good I don’t care about the price. Easy to clean with just a water ????. Grooming can be enjoyable for both of you ☺️
Scritto da: Steve. Manchester, England.
Expensive but works superbly.
Took this off my mini- lop today in 20 minutes and photographed the result. Have tried silicone gloves, flea combs, brushes but bought this yesterday after debating buying. Very expensive at £22.99 but absolutely made upwith the result. For the price I think the plastic inserts may get brittle and a few spares would have been nice. Have to be very slow at first and know when to stop as it is easy to overgroom.
Scritto da: Sarah
Wonder comb! Absolute must have!
We have a Holland lol who blows his coat regularly and we have tried EVERYTHING to try and keep on top of it. I have a box full of every comb and brush imaginable from cheap and cheerful to top end expensive and nothings ever worked. We were getting worried as the poor boy gets tight little mats everytime he sheds (all the time!) My daughter stumbled across a YouTube video recommending this and we bought it immediately. So glad we did. Within 10 minutes we'd removed more fur than we've ever been able to and he's feeling so much better. A few more sessions and he'll be totally shed and mat free and finally we can get him used to one grooming product and regular sessions with this comb should keep on top of his coat nicely. He enjoyed the session and didn't shy away from the comb, it doesn't pull anywhere near as much as the furminator and it's more effective and better for his coat. So happy. Worth every penny
Scritto da: Helen
Worth the expense
The media could not be loaded. The photo is the result of half an hour with this brush on my 3-month old lionhead female Maple - and I'd even groomed her the night before too!! I could've gotten out more but she needed a break ???? as you can see, she's still very fluffy, this definitely didn't pull out any hair that was still attached. Maple and her brother both enjoy being groomed with this brush, and it's helping to prevent matting which they have both been struggling with. I was hesitant at the price, but considering the difference it's making to the well-being of my two babies, I'm pretty sure it's going to pay for itself.

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