Brinly PRC-241BH-A 270 lb. Kombinētais stumšanas/velkamais zāliena veltnis ar viegli pagriežamu piesietu spraudni, 18 x 24




Zālāju veltņi (saukti arī par velēnu veltņiem) ir ideāli piemēroti, lai dzēstu bojājumus un palīdzētu izveidot jaunu augšanu perfektam, veselīgam zālienam. Pirms jaunas zāles sēklu stādīšanas zāliena veltnis var palīdzēt izlīdzināt nelīdzenu zemi. Pēc sēšanas velmēšana palīdz paātrināt dīgtspēju, nodrošinot, ka sēklas nonāk saskarē ar augsni. Izmantojiet ar ūdeni pildītu zāliena veltni, lai palīdzētu jaunai velēnai nostiprināties, noņemot gaisa kabatas un nodrošinot sakņu saskari ar augsni. Ja grauzēji un kukaiņi ir sabojājuši jūsu zāli, zāliena veltnis palīdz nogludināt zālienu viendabīgumam. Brinly PRC-24BH Push/Tow Lawn Roller ir ļoti daudzpusīgs instruments, ko var stumt ar roku vai vilkt kā traktora agregātu. Tas ir pietiekami mazs, lai manevrētu šaurās vietās, un pietiekami izturīgs, lai vilktu aiz traktora, lai ripotu lielākas, atklātas vietas. Pateicoties universālajai sakabei, PRC-24BH viegli piestipriniet jebkura zīmola traktoram, kad to neizmanto kā stumjamu zāliena veltni. Izturīgais cilindrs ir izturīgs pret rūsu un iespiedumiem, izgatavots no gludas polietilēna, lai nodrošinātu vienmērīgu izlīdzināšanu. Tvertnei ir arī noapaļoti gala vāciņi, lai nodrošinātu vienmērīgus traktora pagriezienus, neradot bojājumus jūsu pagalmam. Kad esat pabeidzis zāliena projektu, izmantojiet drenāžas aizbāzni, lai ātri iztukšotu cilindru, un pēc tam uzglabājiet veltni, piekarinot to pie sienas, lai ietaupītu vietu uzglabāšanai. Indiānā bāzētais uzņēmums Brinly-Hardy ražo kvalitatīvus zāliena un dārza piederumus kopš 1839. gada. Ar katru Brinly produktu mūsu plašajā izturīgo piederumu klāstā, veicot dārza uzturēšanas darbus, kļūst vieglāk. Labākajiem pagalmiem ir nepieciešami vislabākie rīki — iegūstiet tādu pagalmu kā profesionāļi ar Brinly!

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Ražots ASV: uzticams Kopš 1839. gada Brinly-Hardy Company ir apņēmusies nodrošināt kvalitatīvus, izturīgus un novatoriskus zāliena un dārza izstrādājumus, kas ražoti ASV. Vienkārša montāža: Ietver vienkāršu grafisku montāžas rokasgrāmatu ar stiprinājuma apvalku; katra daļa ir saskaņota ar katru montāžas posmu. Montāžas video ir pieejams arī Brinly YouTube kanālā. Universāls savienojums: ir iekļauta viena lieljaudas universālā sakabes tapa, lai viegli piestiprinātu veltni jebkuram braucējam vai traktoram un vairumam ZTR vai ATV. Izvairieties no zāliena bojājumiem: noapaļotie trumuļa gali palīdz izvairīties no zāliena bojājumiem pagriezienu laikā, savukārt metāla skrāpja stienis virs trumuļa neļauj veltnim ripināšanas laikā atrasties netīrumiem. Uzglabāšana bez problēmām: kad esat pabeidzis zāliena ripināšanu, vienkārši nosusiniet un pakariet šo kompakto veltni savā garāžā vai šķūnī, lai tas aizņemtu minimālu vietu. Tukšais veltnis ir viegls, lai to varētu viegli transportēt. Ātrāka uzpildīšana: Ietver uzpildes atveri ar īpaši lielu diametru, lai paātrinātu tvertnes uzpildīšanu un iztukšošanu. Var viegli piepildīt ar dārza šļūteni. Izturīga konstrukcija: izturīgs polimēru rullīšu cilindrs neiespiedīs un nerūsīs, un tas ir izturīgs pret laikapstākļu bojājumiem, lietojot sezonu pēc sezonas. Izmēri 24 platumā. 28 galonu ietilpība: izturīgs veltnis satur līdz 28 galoniem (270 mārciņām) ūdens vai smilšu, un tas ir gan pietiekami viegls, lai izspiestos cauri pagalmam, gan pietiekami izturīgs, lai izturētu vilkšanu aiz traktora. Stumšanas/vilkšanas kombinācija: ērta stumšanas vai vilkšanas aizmugures dizains nodrošina daudzpusību šaurās vietās vai lielākās atklātās vietās. Lielisks instruments, lai dzēstu kurmju un sala radītos zāliena bojājumus vai notīrītu netīrumus, sēklas vai velēnu. JAUNS, viegli pagriežams piesiets spraudnis: Brinly Rollers tagad ir aprīkots ar jaunu cilindra spraudņa dizainu, kas padara veltņa uzpildīšanu un iztukšošanu ātrāku un vienkāršāku nekā jebkad agrāk. Spraudnis paliek piestiprināts pie cilindra starp uzpildīšanu un iztukšošanu, novēršot zudumu.
Brand Brinly
Color Black
Country of Origin USA
Customer Reviews 4.4 4.4 out of 5 stars 245 ratings 4.4 out of 5 stars
Item model number PRC-241BH-A
Item Weight 37.6 pounds
Manufacturer Brinly Hardy
Material Sand
Operation Mode Manual
Product Dimensions 48.33 x 31.31 x 18 inches
Product Dimensions 48.33"D x 31.31"W x 18"H
Style Lawn Roller


8 Review
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2 Star
1 Star

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Scritto da: RompingStallion
Overall pretty good. Minor issue.
Overall works great. The issue is the handle could be improved. When turning it’s possible to pinch your hand/skin if not wearing gloves. They need to add a stopper of some type to the handle so it can’t pinch your hand on tight turns.
Very nice Grass and garden roller.
Great Quality Roller! Worked well for me planting new grass and leveling uneven spots in yard.
Scritto da: Ralph Gaston
This is great
This roller is great for my purposes. I’m currently landscaping my front and backyards. I start out with a quarter full roller then 1/2 full. Nice and smooth.
Scritto da: Thomas Durfee
Good Product
This product is made in the USA and is very high quality and at a good price. It is great for smaller lawns.
Scritto da: Brian Meyette
Well made in USA
First, this is made in USA, so that's great. It came very well packed, in a sturdy box. It was super easy to assemble. It included a very well printed and clear manual, written in clear American English, showing detailed views of all the parts, as well as very clear and easy-to-follow assembly instructions. All the parts are labeled in the installation manual, and all the parts come on a card with every part labeled. Assembly couldn't be easier. Everything seems to be of excellent quality. Some reviews mention difficulty in assembling. If you're a person who has trouble assembling this product, you should NOT be assembling things. It's only a few simple parts, and the way this is packaged and described in the manual, nothing could be easier to assemble. It is a perfect size for hand use. I wanted something that I could maneuver by hand in smaller spaces, not a tow-behind. This is perfect for that. The handle is attached to a hitch pin hole, so you can remove the handle and use the (included) hitch pin if you want to tow it. All the steel arms are heavy duty steel, with good paint. All the hardware is good quality and fits together well. All the nuts are nylon locknuts. The drum is polymer, so it won't ever rust. The manual does caution you to not leave it sitting for extended periods on a flat surface with it full of water, as that can leave a flat spot on the drum over time. Plus you sure don't want to leave water in it once the temperatures drop below freezing. The weight is just right for hand use; it's heavy enough to do the job, without being too heavy to move by hand. The rampant inflation we're stuck with in 2022 hits home here, too. This was $180 in June 2022. Reviews from only 6 months ago mention a $139 price. That's a 28% price increase in 6 months! I highly recommend this product.
Scritto da: Risbar
Well made and easy to use!
Built good and does the job I bought it for. Can't ask for more.
Scritto da: Retired Mark T
Easy to Assemble
Extremely well-packaged and heavy-duty materials. This item is not hard to assemble unless you have no hand tools at all. It takes 2 adjustable wrenches and one hammer (for the 2 spring clips).
Scritto da: Amazon Customer
It's heavy, and it rolls.
So I'm no lawn care pro. I think my review will get lost in the 5 star reviews, but it's by far no 5 star product. Let me start by saying I don't think this is a bad product. It seems to be made from heavy duty materials. It's just not great. It's cheap, made in the USA, and can be towed. So that's why I bought it. The roller is easy to assemble, but the bolts are not exact length, and don't have any thread lock on them. The way the hitch goes on seems like an after thought, rather than it's intended design. It clamps with bolts between bolts that hold the thing together. You can't easily switch between the hitch and the handle. I think you could use the hitch pin to hold it on, but would not be the best way to use it. There is a known issue I read in other reviews about the one bolt hitting the drum plug, so I just put that bolt on backwards. I don't know if anyone else did, but that made sense in my head. I included pictures of it before and after. The drum also had a lot of plastic shavings in it that tells me it's not water leak tested. Maybe it's air tested? The coating on the steel seems to be an electronic application, but could be something better. Again, it's cheap, so I'm ok with that. Just not a 5 star product. There are better products, but I think this will put a little weight on dirt, and should last for a few years. It's heavy, it rolls.

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