D'Addario piederumu ģitāras mitrinātāju komplekti - divvirzienu mitrināšanas sistēmas kondicionēšanas paketes - 12 apkopes nomaiņas paketes (PW-HPRP-12)

Brand:D'Addario Accessories



Turpiniet aizsargāt savus ieguldījumus, izmantojot D’Addario divvirzienu mitrināšanas sistēmas rezerves paketes. Šīs paciņas tagad ir pieejamas lielapjoma 12 iepakojumos, kas nodrošina 10% izmaksu ietaupījumu un ir lieliski piemērotas lutiniekiem un ģitāru remontdarbnīcām! D'Addario sistēma ir vienīgā bezapkopes, divvirzienu mitruma sistēma ģitārām. Pievienojot vai noņemot mitrumu pēc pieprasījuma, mitrināšanas kontroles sistēma automātiski uztur optimālo 45-50% relatīvā mitruma līmeni noslēgtā vidē (jūsu instrumentu korpusā) — ideāls klimats koka instrumentiem. Šī izstrādājuma tehnoloģija novērš mitruma problēmas saistībā ar sezonālām izmaiņām, ģeogrāfisko atrašanās vietu, temperatūru vai citiem faktoriem, bez minējumiem vai nekārtības, kas saistītas ar mitrinātāja uzpildīšanu. Ir svarīgi mitrināt visus koka instrumentus. Mitruma trūkums var izraisīt deformāciju, plaisas un citus nopietnus bojājumus. D’Addario divvirzienu mitrināšanas sistēmas paketes ilgst 2–6 mēnešus. Kad tie kļūst stingri, jūs vienkārši izmetat un aizstājat ar jaunām paketēm. Nav ūdens, nav pilienu, nav nekārtības, nekas nav jāuztur. Pakešu nomaiņa divvirzienu mitrināšanas sistēmā ir nepieciešama, lai saglabātu instrumenta stabilitāti un atskaņojamību. Vairāk nekā 20 gadus D’Addario ir bijis nozares līderis inovatīvu un problēmu risināšanas produktu jomā, kas kalpo mūziķiem visā pasaulē. D’Addario aksesuāri ar lepnumu tiek ražoti mūsdienīgā ražotnē ASV, ievērojot stingrākās kvalitātes kontroles nozarē. D’Addario ģimenes sirds, dvēsele un mīlestība pret muzicēšanu ir iekļauta katrā mūsu radītajā aksesuārā, un mēs nekad nepārtraucam iedvesmot sniegumu.

Ražots ASV — D'Addario Accessories ir pazīstams ar novatoriskiem, problēmu risināšanas, kvalitatīviem mūzikas piederumiem, kas ir lepni izstrādāti, izstrādāti un ražoti ASV, ievērojot nozares visstingrākās kvalitātes kontroles. AIZSARDZIET SAVU INSTRUMENTU – Patentētā divvirzienu attīrīta mitruma kontroles sistēma aizsargā jūsu instrumentu pret deformāciju, plaisām un citiem bojājumiem, ko izraisa mitrināšanas trūkums. Šī sistēma novērš minējumus un bažas par instrumenta pareiza mitruma līmeņa uzturēšanu. BEZ APKOPE — atšķirībā no atkārtoti uzpildāmajiem mitrinātājiem, D’Addario sistēmai nav nepieciešama apkope. Tas ir ilgstošs un neprasa nekādas korekcijas, pamatojoties uz sezonālām temperatūras izmaiņām vai ģeogrāfiskajām atrašanās vietām. Nav ūdens, nav pilienu, nav nekārtības. AIZMAIŅAS PAKETAS — tagad pieejamas lielapjoma 12 pakas, kas ir lieliski piemērotas lutieriem un ģitāru remontdarbnīcām! Vidēji paciņas ilgs 2-6 mēnešus atkarībā no ģeogrāfiskās atrašanās vietas un apstākļiem, kādos instruments ir pakļauts. DIVVIRZIENU MITRUMA KONTROLE — D’Addario divvirzienu mitrināšanas sistēma ir vienīgā ģitāras divvirzienu mitruma kontroles sistēma, kurai nav nepieciešama apkope. Tas automātiski uztur optimālo 45-50% relatīvā mitruma līmeni jūsu instrumenta korpusā, vajadzības gadījumā pievienojot vai iztukšojot mitrumu.
Brand D'Addario Accessories
Color Black
Color Name Black
Country of Origin USA
Customer Reviews 4.6 4.6 out of 5 stars 6,127 ratings 4.6 out of 5 stars
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer No
Item model number PW-HPRP-12
Item Weight 1.89 pounds
Model Name PW-HPRP-12
Musical Style US
Product Dimensions 5.5 x 3.5 x 4.5 inches
Upper Temperature Rating 76 Degrees Fahrenheit


13 Review
5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star
1 Star

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Scritto da: ProudPapa
Humidifier Packs are a simple, powerful, affordable way to protect your guitar and your investment
Anybody who has a nice acoustic guitar knows it's a delicate thing, made of natural wood. If you don't humidify that wood, it will crack, ruining the guitar or necessitating expensive repairs. The Daddario Humidifier Packs I've used are amazing, easy, and effective. They last about 6 months and AUTOMATICALLY keep your guitar (if stored inside its case) at an ideal 45% humidity level. Just put one of the 3 packs that come in the box under the headstock of your guitar; and hang the other two -- like a saddle on the back of a horse -- over the strings. That's it. I like this humidifying solution MUCH more than the 'sponge' or 'soundhole' humidifiers, which -- even when inserted properly -- stretch your strings to the side to make room, and are sometimes prone to spilling water. I love my Gibson guitar, and I love knowing it has plenty of humidity in the case.
Scritto da: Amazon Customer
It does what it’s supposed to do
The material that they are using now isn’t as durable as when they first came out. That’s to be expected… the bottom line is that I trust them to give me humidity when I want it and to take it away when I don’t which is what they’re designed to do- overall still a great product!
Scritto da: James Pidel
Better than a sponge
I am really glad I found this product. It has been difficult to keep my guitars humidified. Always forgetting to add water to the sponges. These packets last 3 to 4 months I don’t have to worry about anything in terms of refilling or weekly maintenance. I have them on a subscription basis. So every four months I know when to replace them. I have a pretty high-end guitar and it was costly to repair some shrinkage due to lack of humidity. I also did not like going without my guitar for so long. I also do not wanna be in a place that I have to replace that guitar. I’ve been using this product now for about a year and it has been a godsend.
Scritto da: HC
Basically hands free
Have purchased quite a few of these over the years and they are very effective at keeping your guitars humidified in the 40 to 60% range. Usually they will last a couple of years or through several humid and dry seasons. Sometimes even longer. As noted elsewhere they can dry out and be re-humidified with a little effort but the manufacturer does not recommend doing so for several obvious reasons. I generally keep my guitars in their cases with one or more packets so that makes them effective. And I love the idea that they require little or no maintenance.
Scritto da: Joanna D.
A test shows this works
This Humidification System is effective. However, I should give this NO stars for goofing around too much: this is the sixth revision of the Humipak, according to my luthier. The previous revision was total disaster. I bought one, and could not reinstall the bag of humidifying resin on the spine (like a report cover spine.) And I was not alone in this, even the luthier said he couldn't and he's a strong guy and I'm a senior citizen woman. So it wasn't just me. So IF YOU HAD the previous rev with the spine you slid (maybe, maybe not) across the bag, this is NOT like that anymore. The new revision has saddlebags attached by a ribbon handle. You slip the humipak inside the bags, no closure and stuff it inside your soundhole. (It barely fits in mine, I have a classical guitar. (An acoustic steel guitar will fit it better, they tend to have larger soundholes.) There is a third bag for the headstock area of your guitar case. Does it work? Yeah it works.I know it works because I ran a test to see if it works (once an engineer, always an engineer.) And it works better than the sponge-type containers that you moisten (daily) and put in the soundhole. Those do not diffuse the water evenly into the guitar body. I know this because my guitar got overly dry EVEN WITH constant use of that device. I ended up taking it in for repair and rehumidification and meanwhile, the second guitar at home was given this new humidifier (because you need a spare, you can see why: the one is at the shop and you're playing the other.) I ran an experiment on the humidification. I purchased aD'Addario Humiditrak - Bluetooth Humidity and Temperature Sensor to track the rehumification and steamed up my office at home with a cool mist humidifier going 24/7. While the Humiditrak is not a super sensitive device, I'm told it's within 3% and it tracked an immediate increase in humidity. The sponge device stayed at a much lower level of humidification. The guitar got up to 45% humidity and then started to drop again when I turned off the humidifier in the room, so now I know: 1. Use the Humidipak 2. Humidify the room you keep the guitar in, and play in constantly. I use a cool mist humidifer. Distilled water will keep the white dust down, or use the kind that has a filter to remove salts in water. 3. keep case closed and keep guitar in case UNLESS playing it. 4. track humidity and temperature 5. check packs for "crunchiness." Crunchy means it's dehydrated. You need to buyPlanet Waves Humidipak replacements. Not cheap (there is some lore about rehydrating in a wet sponge equipped sealed plasticware tub with the old packs on the side not touching the sponge, but I have not tried this. You can find this method here and there on the internet. A pro guitarist friend of mine does it. If I were to try it, I'd run my humidification level check again because even though it might feel soft again (swollen with water) the humidification might not be effective. Stay tuned. One star off for bad designers who thought that last version was usable. Wow. Just wow. But this version is good and it is effective. I have proof.
Scritto da: Andrea L. Baron
Great product, works great in high humidity
I have used this product with my guitars for years. It keeps the humidity from destroying them. Thanks for a quick ship.
Scritto da: Erwin Bieber
Seems to work okay....
Used it on my vintage Martin D18
Scritto da: Max Power
Tight Fit into a 9Classical Sound Hole
Most classical guitars have sound holes of around 3.5 inches. Used with the included pockets, they fit easily into the 4 inch sound holes of my steel string acoustics. However, it was a tight fit into the smaller 3.25 inch sound hole of my Cordoba classical, though it was doable. So for fit, I'll give 5 stars for a steel string, 4 stars for a classical. Beyond the fit, 5 stars for keeping the humidity where it needs to be. Pockets seem pricey.
Great product
Largely restored the fret sprout on my Lowden acoustic. Would buy again.
Scritto da: Peter
DON'T LET THE COUPLE OF BAD REVIEWS AFFECT YOUR PURCHASE OF THIS PRODUCT. I don't understand the few bad reviews about this product. If these don't maintain the humidity in your case, then something else is wrong. I've been using these to control the humidity for my acoustic guitars for years. One of my guitars is 40 yrs old and the humidity is consistently between 45% and 50%. I have a hygrometer in my guitar cases to verify. You do have to careful when placing the packets (in the holder) in the guitar so they don't tear, but aside from that, excellent product!! I wouldn't be without!!
Scritto da: Francesco
Ho acquistato online un basso elettrico di fascia medio alta, arrivato perfetto ma con tutti e 24 i tasti con i bordi taglienti. Chiaro indice del fatto che il legno si fosse ritirato per disidratazione. L'ho tenuto per una settimana nel case con le tre bustine magiche d'addario... e il legno del manico è tornato alla sua dimensione normale, ora i bordi di tutti e 24 i tasti sono perfetti, ZERO bordi sporgenti. Quindi a chi vuole sapere se il sistema di reidratazione funziona dico: FUNZIONA ALLA GRANDE
Scritto da: Angela
Easy to use in my guitar.
Easy to use. I use them all the time for my guitar and I never have to worry about it drying out. I have to change them in the winter time at least every 6 weeks because it get really dry in my house. So worth the money. If buying for the first time you will need the little pockets to put them in.
Scritto da: Yongyi
Use and Forget
There are products out there that you can refill with water that are cheaper but I personally have tried one of those and it just wasn't humidifying my case. I got this so I wouldn't have to think about it and it's obvious when it's time to replace as feel completely different (goes from soft to crunchy). The one thing that bothers me is that when you buy the 12-pack they all come in the same sealed package. This means that once you break that seal all of the packs start to lose moisture so just make sure that any unused humidipaks are stored in some sort of ziplock bag. One of the packs lasts me about 3 months even during winter here in Canada.

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